Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Playing with Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, Blogging

Facebook, Twitter, Blogging…the world of social media has grown exponentially in what appears to be a really short period of time? How does one keep up? How do you decide if it is an appropriate use of your time?

I have very recently started playing on twitter in a quest to figure it out. After all as a Communications professional I need to keep up to date with new media and today I discovered that @ in twitter enables you to respond to other people’s tweets. I only did @ to someone because I saw they had referred to me in that way and then I clicked on @ [my username on twitter] and realised I had loads of responses to previous updates I had given on twitter. The other rationale to at least play with social media is to keep up to date with new language. I have been seeing comments on FB (Facebook) which started with @ and now I know @ means reply to… I think I am beginning to understand why some people say they are addicted to twitter

By the way to follow AWDF on twitter visit

Are you on twitter? What value has it added to your organisation, life or business?

Nana Sekyiamah
Programme Officer
Fundraising & Communications


Ore said...

Twitter was something that I really didn't understand and couldn't see for the life of me the value of. But then I decided to try it and created an account last year. Still not seeing the point, I neglected thw account.

However, I resumed using it and I've definitely seen some value in it. It's a way to get quick responses to questions. It's also allows you to be part of a fast moving discussion or receive second-by-second updates (the post-election violence in Kenya in Jan 2008 is an example; the recent Skoll Forum on social entrepreneurship is another).

The # symbol is used to tag. I'm slowly starting to learn more about it as I use it more. I'm also integrating it with my blog.

Ore said...
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AWDF said...

Ore thanks for this really useful information...and there I thought the symbol meant reply to.


Ore said...

The @ symbol is to reply.

This is a new resource developed by DigiActive: on using Twitter for activists. I haven't read it yet, but I believe it should be useful.

Nana said...

Thanks Ore! Will check out the link provided